LETTER 44, JEAN GREY, ASM: WAKANDA FOREVER artist Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque hits DCS Nov 17
Alberto Jimenez Alburquerque is an artist born raised and currently living in Madrid, Spain. He has put lines in French comic-books (BD’s) for more than a decade now, working for Paquet Ed., Soleil Ed. and Glènat Ed. Some of his titles are: Les Fugitifs de l’Ombre (Paquet Ed.), Le Dieu des Cendres and Elle (Soleil Ed.) and Inca (Glènat Ed.). Alberto has also drawn some short stories for the American comics SKULL KICKERS (Image), Pathfinder’s GOBLINS (Dynamite) and Robert E. Howard’s SAVAGE SWORD (Dark Horse). A four-issue series with Paul Tobin’s scripts titled MYSTERY GIRL (Dark Horse) was just the first story of a character that both Paul and Alberto would love to keep developing. The thirty-six issue series LETTER 44 (One Press) with writer Charles Soule has been translated and published in France, Spain and Italy so far with great success among critics and readers. Since LETTER 44 finished in 2017, he has been drawing for Marvel Comics in series like GENERATION X, JEAN GREY, MONSTERS UNLEASHED, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: WAKANDA FOREVER, X-MEN: WAKANDA FOREVER and EDGE OF SPIDER-GEDDON. Alberto enjoys practicing martial arts, watching UFC, and taking trips with his wife, Lauren, whenever she can pull him away from his drawing table. We’re honored to have him join us Dallas Comic Show’s Holiday Special this November 17-18, so get your books ready to be signed! Please note, at this time Alberto is appearing on SATURDAY ONLY, courtesy of SplashPageArt.com
See the full guest list HERE.
Buy tickets for the show HERE.