Legendary BATMAN and SUPERMAN artist Neal Adams comes to DCS Feb 11-12
He redefined the way we look at The Caped Crusader and The Big Blue Boyscout, is considered one of the most influential artists in the comic book industry, and now the legendary Neal Adams is coming to Dallas Comic Show this February 11-12! Known for his work on titles like ACTION COMICS, AVENGERS, BATMAN, DETECTIVE COMICS, GREEN LANTERN, THE SPECTRE, STRANGE ADVENTURES, SUPERMAN and X-MEN. Adams co-created two iconic Batman villains, Man-Bat and Ra’s al Ghul, and also founded Continuity Studios in the 1970s and eventually Continuity Comics in the 1980s. Outside of his stellar art contributions, Neal was also instrumental in fighting for artists’ rights, helping Jack Kirby get a bulk of his original artwork back, and eventually getting overdue credit and residuals given to Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Some of his more recent books include BATMAN: ODYSSEY, FIRST X-MEN, SUPERMAN: THE COMING OF THE SUPERMEN, and a really spectacular issue of HARLEY’S LITTLE BLACK BOOK in which Harley Quinn battles Superman. We’re extremely honored to have Neal Adams join us for this upcoming event!
Note – Mr. Adams does charge a fee for his autograph on his items or books you bring, see the signs at his booth for details.
See the full guest list HERE. Buy tickets HERE.