SUPERWOMAN and DC REBIRTH artist Phil Jimenez comes to DCS Feb 11-12
He’s responsible for illustrating one of the most emotional moments in comics this year, and has consistently delivered great art in some of the industry’s biggest titles for 25 years now. We welcome writer/artist/inker Phil Jimenez to Dallas Comic Show this February 11-12, an addition we’re quite excited about! Phil has provided scripts for titles like DC SPECIAL: THE RETURN OF DONNA TROY, JLA / TITANS, OTHERWORLD, TEAM TITANS, TEMPEST and WONDER WOMAN (to name a few), and artwork on books like 52, ADVENTURE COMICS, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, ANGELA: ASGARD’S ASSASSIN, ASTONISHING X-MEN, FAIREST, INFINITE CRISIS, THE INVISIBLES, JLA, JLA / TITANS, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA, NEW TITANS, NEW X-MEN, OTHERWORLD, PLANETARY / THE AUTHORITY: RULING THE WORLD, ROBIN, SPIDER-MAN: BRAND NEW DAY, SWAMP THING, TEAM TITANS, TEMPEST, TITANS (covers), WONDER WOMAN, X-MEN: LIBERATORS, X-O MANOWAR (covers) and so many more. His most recent work can be see in SUPERWOMAN from DC Comics, which has already made a big impression with readers. But it was his pages in DC UNIVERSE REBIRTH #1 that had us in tears, in the best possible way. He appeared at the White House for the National Design Awards to present original art to First Lady Michelle Obama, and (here’s a fun bit of trivia) he provided sketches seen in the Sam Raimi’s SPIDER-MAN (2002)…. in scenes where Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) is seen creating sketches of his costume, the close-ups of his hands are actually those of Jimenez. We’re so very happy to have Phil join us, so make sure to show him how friendly our fans can be!
See the full guest list HERE. Buy tickets HERE.