TIME MASTERS writer and former DC Comics Senior VP of Sales, Bob Wayne comes to DCS Nov 23!
We are honored to welcome the wonderful Bob Wayne to Dallas Comic Show this November 23-24, attending Saturday of the event and moderating a special DC creator panel while there. Mr. Wayne’s origins in the pop culture industry started when he opened a bookstore in Fort Worth in the early 80s, but in 1987 he joined the DC Comics sales force, and eventually became Senior VP of Sales for the company. Bob worked closely with comic retailers and created policies that would benefit the direct market greatly during his three-decade tenure… even internationally. He also did some comic book writing for books like SCARY TALES (from Charlton Comics) and SECRET ORIGINS (at DC), as well as contributions to The Comics Journal, Lone Star Book Review and MAD Magazine #400. He’s the creator of the Card Sharks in George R.R. Martin’s WILD CARDS series, and the co-author (with Lewis Shiner) of DC’s fan-favorite 1990 mini-series TIME MASTERS, one of the precursors to the LEGENDS OF TOMORROW television series. He’s currently a business consultant in the publishing industry and serves on the Advisory Board of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. He remains grateful that his mother never threw away any of his comics. Bob was awarded the coveted Inkpot Award for his contributions to the comic book industry in 2009, and a ComicsPro Industry Appreciation Award in 2012. We are extremely happy to welcome him to our gathering this November!
See the full guest list right here.
Buy advance tickets at this link.