Cosplay Corner is FILLED with coolness at DCS April 6-7
We’re all about supporting local cosplayers, and we’re happy to welcome several awesome folks to Dallas Comic Show this April 6-7! These pros have a wealth of experience between them, and we’ve actually expanded our usual spectrum for Cosplay during this event. We’ll still have our Cosplay Contest on Saturday at 5pm, but also look for crafting panels on both Saturday and Sunday, and our relaxing Cosplay Lounge
(a cool place for our cosplaying fans to take a break or fix their costumes). Take a look below to see who all you can look for during the weekend.

B Charlotte D Cosplay – an actress, model and professional cosplayer with a passion for video games, anime, movies and all things nerdy. She’s quickly becoming a fan favorite at various Texas events, and even won first place in one of our previous costume contests. Outside of her amazing cosplays, she also does theater acting and modeling, and is constantly in demand for photoshoots. See more of her work at her Facebook page here, or her Instagram page here.

Sarah Bellum Cosplay – you may remember Sarah as the host of the Cosplay Prom after our September 2017 show, which was our unofficial/official after party. Stop by her table and sign up for the costume contest on Saturday afternoon… or just say hi, she’s cool! See more of Sarah’s cosplay on her official Facebook page.

Scarlet Muse Cosplay – she’s making her Dallas Comic Show debut, we thrilled to welcome the lovely Scarlet Muse to our guest list. Known for her imaginative and inspired costumes, she’s quickly becoming a local favorite. See more of Scarlet Muse’s cosplay on her official website.

Deacon Frost Cosplay – he’s making his Dallas Comic Show debut, we welcome the enthusiastic Deacon Frost Cosplay to our guest list. He’s an up and coming talent showing some impressive costumes and quickly becoming a fan favorite. See more of Deacon’s cosplay on his Facebook page.

Lhars Ebersold – she’s back by popular demand and we couldn’t be more happy. Lhars a professional cosplayer and crafter with an incredible imagination. She’s done full body make up presentations, sculpted masks and more, most of which is very stunnning to behold. See more of Lhars’ work and cosplay on her Facebook page.

Chelsey Gentry – her costumes are nothing short of breathtaking, and it’s easy to see why her Instagram has over 30,000 followers. We’re happy to have Chelsey join us for her first official DCS appearance! She’ll be attending the show on Saturday only – check out her Instagram and see if you aren’t impressed.

MCubed Cosplay – DFW based but Houston born and raised cosplayer and model most widely known for her movie-accurate Slave Leia and Rey. Marla has served as a Cosplay Against Bullying guest at Indy Pop Con and as a 501st Diamond Garrison Cosplay Guest at Comi-Conway – attending the show on Saturday only.
And hey, we want to see YOUR costumes and cosplay too. Dallas Comic Show loves having cosplayers in attendance, so take this opportunity to show us your best duds. Our shows are also staffed with professional security, and we keep a close eye on folks to make sure everyone can enjoy a safe environment. If you see anyone getting out of line, just alert registration or one of our crew and we’ll take care of it.
See the full guest list HERE.
Tickets are now on sale – RIGHT HERE.