AVENGERS, BATMAN, CIVIL WAR II, GUARDIANS, IRON MAN, JLA, MILES MORALES, SPIDER-MAN and STAR WARS superstar artist David Marquez hits DCS April 29-30, 2023!

It’s not often you see an artist who in a very short period of time has worked on numerous hot titles for both Marvel and DC Comics, in addition to some independent titles and even a creator-owned project. You’re seen his incredible work on books like ACTION COMICS, AGE OF ULTRON, ALL-NEW X-MEN, THE AVENGERS, BATMAN, BATMAN: KILLING TIME, BATMAN/SUPERMAN, BATMAN: URBAN LEGENDS, CIVIL WAR II, DEFENDERS, EXILES, FANTASTIC FOUR, THE FLASH, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, HUNT FOR WOLVERINE, INVINCIBLE IRON MAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE, LAZARUS PLANET (various books), LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT, MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN (and several other Miles Spidey books), SPIDER-MAN, STAR WARS, TALES FROM THE DC DARK MULTIVERSE (multiple titles), ULTIMATE COMICS: SPIDER-MAN, UNCANNY AVENGERS, UNCANNY X-MEN, WONDER WOMAN, X-MEN: GOLD and more. You may also have caught his book THE JOYNERS (from BOOM! Studios), and seen his art in other cool titles. We’re extremely excited to welcome the great David Marquez to DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Spring Spectacular this April 29-30, 2023 at The Vista Mall (formerly Music City Mall) in Lewisville! Wait until you see his BATGIRLS variant cover that’s about to hit the stands. David is currently writing and drawing his new creator-owned supernatural adventure comic, THE UNCHOSEN, premiering exclusively online at on Zestworld.com
David is taking time out from his busy schedule to join us for the weekend, so let’s be sure to give him a warm Dallas welcome!
David will be doing limited commissions with two options:
$60 remarque-style head sketch, $300 9×12 head and shoulders drawing (visit his table early to arrange yours)
Signatures: First 5 free then $5 each, graded signatures are $10.
David will also have prints and comics on hand for purchase.
See the guest list for April 29-30 right here.
Purchase tickets for April 29-30 right here.