Professional Cosplayer and Voice Actress Erica Muse comes to DCS November 6-7!
We’re all about supporting local cosplayers, and we’re happy to welcome Erica Muse back to DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Holiday Special this November 6-7! She was 8-years-old when she fell in love with costuming watching her dad make his own character costumes for Halloween. Halloween was her favorite holiday and an important one for the family, being her parent’s anniversary and my brother’s birthday. Erica has been making her own costumes since 2006 after joining anime club, going to her first convention, and taking a sewing class. In 2018 alone, she attended 34 conventions and was a guest at quite a few of them. This has really helped Erica to progress in the industry and learn quickly. As a happy owner of over 200 costumes, she is always making and acquiring more. Some are bought and altered, some are hand made, and some she just made the accessories for. Her goal at conventions, and in general, is to be sure everyone she meets leaves happy. Everything else will come naturally.
Erica Muse enjoys every field in the entertainment industry, but her dream was to voice characters in anime, video games, and cartoons… and now she’s doing exactly that! You can hear Erica in Anime like THE ISLAND OF GIANT INSECTS and AFTER THE RAIN, and video games like the upcoming SELACO and MEISTER HIGH. Nowadays many children rely on these mediums to make them laugh, learn, or cry, and share these times with friends and family. She wants to be a part of that, and is currently pursuing that dream! Be sure to check out her website here, her Facebook here, and Instagram here.