FIREFLY, CAPTAIN MARVEL and HOWARD THE DUCK artist Joe Quinones hits DCS April 6-7
Making his very first appearance in Dallas, we’re honored to welcome the wonderful Joe Quinones to our growing comic book creator guest list! Joe has delivered cover and interior art on books like ACTION COMICS, ADVENTURE COMICS, ADVENTURE TIME, AMERICA, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, AVENGERS, BATMAN ETERNAL, BATMAN/SUPERMAN, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA, BLACK CANARY & ZATANNA: BLOODSPELL, BLACK BOLT, CAPTAIN MARVEL, DARK AVENGERS, DEFENDERS, DETECTIVE COMICS, FUTURE QUEST, HARBINGER: FAITH, HARLEY QUINN & GOSSAMER, HEROIC AGE: BLACK WIDOW, HOWARD THE DUCK, IRON MAN, JUGHEAD, JUSTICE LEAGUE, MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, MIRACLEMAN, NEW AVENGERS, SLEEPY HOLLOW, STAR WARS, SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN, TEEN TITANS, THUNDERBOLTS, VENOM and more. His recent work includes PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN and the new FIREFLY, and his new DC book DIAL H FOR HERO (a revival of the classic title) comes out the week before the show! Joe is appearing courtesy of our friends at Splash Page Art, where you can shop for original art from some of the top talent working in the industry. We’re so very excited to welcome Mr. Quinones to his very first Dallas event, so make sure to give him a warm Texas welcome!
See the full guest list HERE.
Tickets are now on sale – RIGHT HERE.