STAR TREK and POWER OF THE ATOM artist/inker Kez Wilson joins DCS June 26th
He sometimes goes by Keith or “K.S. Wilson”, but by any name he’s one of our favorite local creators. Kez provided pencils on covers for CRIMSON AVENGER, THE BADGER, ELEMENTALS, POWER OF THE ATOM, THE IMPOSSIBLE MAN SUMMER VACATION SPECTACULAR, SECRET ORIGINS, STAR TREK, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, WHAT THE–?! and YOUNG ALL-STARS. His inking credits include ANGEL AND THE APE, THE BADGER, ELEMENTALS, HAMMERLOCKE, POWER OF THE ATOM, ROBOTECH MASTERS, SECRET ORIGINS, STAR TREK, SUICIDE SQUAD and WHAT THE–?! to name but a few. During his years at DC Comics, Wilson re-designed several logos of popular comic books, like DETECTIVE COMICS, and he even desgined Robin’s sleek new “R” symbol to help modernize it for Modern Age readers. Kez also had a hand in writing and creating books like HAMMERLOCKE and SCARLETT. He also produced a SUPERCAR comic book based on Gerry Anderson’s classic series. If you’ve never met this local favorite at a show, make sure to stop by his table and say hello!
Check out the full guest list HERE.
Purchase tickets for the event HERE.