VAMPIRELLA: ROSES FOR THE DEAD writer & artist Kristina Deak-Linsner hits DCS November 11-12, 2022!
The wonderful wife of Joseph Michael Linsner is rather creative herself. Kristina Deak-Linsner has worked as creative editor on several of Joe’s recent books, and wrote and provided cover art for Dynamite Entertainment’s VAMPIRELLA: ROSES FOR THE DEAD mini-series as well. A reference model and all-purpose wrangler at Linsner Industries, and founder of LinsnerIsTheNewDark Art Studios, she’s also done illustrations for DAWN and RED SONJA trading cards, and other gorgeous pieces that are a reflection of her own stunning beauty. Kristina has brought her years of fine art experience in the West Coast gallery scene over to the house that DAWN built. After beginning her comics career at Dynamic Forces in the late 90s, she now uses her keen eye to help guide all Linsner products and projects such as SIN BOLDLY, the DAWN/VAMPIRELLA crossover series, and the annual DAWN sketchbooks (2011 to present). The graphic novel VAMPIRELLA brings her comics career full circle by working with Dynamite/Dynamic Forces once again. We’re very happy to have Kristina join us for the 30th Anniversary of DAWN, so be sure to say hi to her at Dallas Comic Show’s Holiday Special – November 11-12, 2022!