The voice of WISHBONE, the voice of Spinner in MY HERO ACADEMIA – Larry Brantley comes to DCS August 26-27, 2023!
What a treat! We’re extremely excited to welcome the wonderful Larry Brantley to DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Fantasy Festival this August 26-27, 2023! Larry is known as the voice of The Little Dog with a Big Imagination – WISHBONE! Anime fans will recognize him as the voice of “Spinner” in MY HERO ACADEMIA. He’s also done voices for video games like M.U.G.E.N., BROTHERS IN ARMS: EARNED IN BLOOD, AEON FLUX, SMITE, BORDERLANDS 3, and TINY TINA’S WONDERLANDS, plus voice work on SAKURA WARS: ECOLE DE PARIS, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, the BOZ videos (as Boz!), ONE PIECE, DAGASHI KASHI, PANDRA IN THE CRIMSON SHELL: GHOST URN, FAIRY TAIL, ACE ATTORNEY, IZETTA: THE LAST WITCH, DRIFTERS, KINGS OF ATLANTIS, A CENTAUR’S LIFE, KINO’S JOURNEY: THE BEAUTIUL WORLD, HUNAMATSURI, DANCES WITH THE DRAGONS, FULLMETAL PANIC! INVISITBLE VICTORY, TOKYO GHOUL: RE, AFRICA NO SALARYMAN, BLACK CLOVER, KUMA KUMA KUMA BEAR, BACK ARROW, ATTACK ON TITAN, TRIGUN STAMPEDE, and AYAKA: A STORY OF BONDS AND WOUNDS. This is Larry’s first time joining us, and we couldn’t be happier. Let’s all give him a warm welcome!