(POSTPONED) BLACK PANTHER, TRIBE and X-FACTOR artist Larry Stroman hits DCS November 6-7!
UPDATE: We just got word on the evening of November 4th that Larry is sick and not up for traveling at the moment, so we’re unfortunately are going to postpone his appearance until our February event in 2022. We hate cancellations as much as you do, but we also understand that Larry’s health is more important right now.
You’ve seen his distinctive style on books like ALIEN LEGION, ALPHA FLIGHT, BLACK PANTHER, DARKSTARS, GHOST RIDER, IRON MAN, THE MARK, STRYFE’S STRIKE FILE, WILDCATS, and X-MEN… to name a few. He’s well-known for his memorable work on Marvel’s X-FACTOR (a title he eventually returned to with new work), and he broke records with his Image Comics release of TRIBE #1. The talented Larry Stroman joins us for DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Holiday Special this November 6-7, 2021 at Music City Mall in Lewisville! Don’t miss this rare appearance, and be sure to check out Larry’s incredible commissions.
Check out the full guest list HERE.
Purchase tickets in advance HERE.