Get your GAME on at DCS Nov 17-18, info on the Madness Gaming Zone
11:00pm – Tsuro
Tsuro is a board game for two to eight players. To play, players compete to have the last playing piece remaining on the board. Player turns consist of placing tiles on the board from the player’s hand. Then they move their respective pieces along these paths. Players are eliminated by following a path that ends at the board edge.
1:00pm – Splendor
Splendor is a multiplayer card-based board game, designed by Marc André and illustrated by Pascal Quidault, first published in 2014 by Space Cowboys. The board consists of cards laid out in a grid. Players are gem merchants of the Renaissance buying gem mines, transportation, and shops. The game was nominated for the 2014 Spiel des Jahres (Game of the Year)
3:00pm – Ghost Love Candy
Story: Ghosts Love Candy — everyone knows that! The cruel twist is that they no longer have the physical bodies to enjoy the scrumptious candy they crave. But, on Halloween, the rules are off. Ghosts use this mystical and eerie night to temporarily possess unsuspecting Trick-or-Treaters so they can indulge in as much candy as they can get their invisible hands on…
Object: Use your team of ghosts to possess Trick-or-Treaters and gobble up the candy you crave. The player whose ghosts earn them the most candy points after 8 rounds wins. But be careful! When a Trick-or-Treater eats too much candy they get sick and become your burden if you were the one to push them past their candy limit.
Game End: The game is over when there is no more candy left to hand out, which is 8 rounds with 2-4 players and 6 rounds with 5-6.
Above you can see the basic floor plan from an overhead view, and get an idea of where to find the gaming area – right inside the vendor hall to the left in the corner. For info on how to sign up and what all is involved, please speak to the staff in the Madness Gaming area.