(POSTPONED) SPYBOY, HE-MAN, BATGIRL and AERO artist Pop Mhan comes to DCS August 12-13, 2022!
UPDATE (August 5) : Pop has informed us he is unable to attend due to a family emergency, but is already making plans to attend another one of our shows this year, likely our December 17-18 event. We will update things as soon as they are confirmed. We hate cancellations as much as you, but family comes first, and we wish Pop and his family the best at this time.
You’ve seen his amazing work in books like SPYBOY, HE-MAN, BATGIRL, AERO, AGENTS OF ATLAS, THE FLASH, RAVEN: DAUGHTER OF DARKNESS, WORLD OF WARCRAFT, INJUSTICE: GROUND ZERO, TOMB RAIDER, THE DEMON, and more. Help us welcome the talented Pop Mhan to DALLAS COMIC SHOW’s Fantasy Festival this August 12-13, 2022! Pop was born in Bangkok, Thailand and immigrated to the United States at the age of three. He joined Wildstorm Productions in San Diego and studied sequential art under Jim Lee. He’s worked for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Top Cow, Dark Horse, and Tokyopop. He’s also done sketch cards for the Topps STAR WARS sets, and character design work for Hasbro. Let’s give him a big Dallas welcome this August!