
MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS star Steve Cardenas joins DCS Nov 23-24!

Steve Cardenas is an American martial artist, musician and actor best known for playing the character Rocky DeSantos, which was the second Red Power Ranger in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, and eventually became the Blue Zeo Ranger in POWER RANGERS ZEO two seasons later… and guess what, he’s coming to Dallas Comic Show’s Holiday Special this November 23-24!

Cardenas spent his early childhood as a military brat raised in San Antonio, and started training in martial arts when he was about 12 years old. He reached his black belt in Taekwondo at age 16 and has been in martial arts ever since. He earned 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He holds multiple awards from martial arts contests, including two Silver Medals at Copa Pacifica (2009 and 2011), Gold Medal winner of the 2009 American National Championship, Gold Medal in the 2010 Jujitsu Pro Gear Open, and Silver Medal in the 2010 No-Gi World Championships.

In addition to his starring role in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS and POWER RANGERS ZEO, Steve also starred in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE, TURBO: A POWER RANGERS MOVIE, and POWER RANGERS TURBO, and in 2018 returned to the Power Rangers Franchise in POWER RANGERS SUPER NINJA STEEL for the 25th Anniversary episode, reprising his role as Rocky DeSantos. We’re absolutely thrilled to have Steve join us this November, be sure to give him a warm Texas welcome!

See the full guest list right here.

Buy advance tickets at this link.

Dallas Comic Show

Founded in 2016, the Dallas Comic Show is a way for fans of comics, movies, television and other pop culture cravings to connect and reconnect with creators, actors and other fans!